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Project Archiving

The project archiving feature is used to organize and store completed or cancelled projects for future reference or review.

Project Archiving Process

  1. Enter the project interface.
  2. Click the "three dots" button in the upper right corner of the project interface to expand the dropdown menu.
  3. In the dropdown menu, find and click the [Archive Project] option.

Project Archiving

How to View Archived Projects

  1. Click on your [Avatar] in the upper right corner of the user interface to open a dropdown menu.
  2. In the dropdown menu, find and click [Archived Projects] to view archived projects through the expanded sidebar.

Project Archive

Key Features

  • Archive Projects: Mark completed or cancelled projects as archived.
  • View Archived Projects: Access archived projects and their related information at any time.
  • Restore Projects: If needed, archived projects can be restored to their active state.