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Processing Approvals

Processing approvals is a key step in the approval workflow, where administrators or authorized users can make decisions on pending applications. Through the approval operation, it ensures that applications submitted by applicants are processed promptly and accurately.

Approval Decisions

Authorized administrators or approvers can make decisions on pending applications. Approvers can choose to click the [Approve] or [Reject] button in the bottom right corner to quickly process the application:

  • Approve: Pass the application, confirming that the applicant's request meets the requirements and has been approved.
  • Reject: Decline the application, indicating that the applicant has not met the approval requirements, and the application is rejected.

Approvers can choose the appropriate decision based on the actual situation and submit the approval result immediately.

Approval Decisions

Adding Comments

During the approval process, approvers can click the [Add Comment] button in the bottom right corner to add comments to the application. Comments can be:

  • Detailed feedback or explanations about the application content.
  • Further requirements or clarifications to help applicants understand the approval decision.
  • Explanations for application rejection, providing feedback to help applicants improve.

The comment function not only facilitates communication between approvers and applicants but also helps make the approval process more transparent.

Add Comments

Through these operations, approvers can efficiently process pending applications, provide decisions, and give detailed feedback, ensuring the approval process is smooth, transparent, and efficient.