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Application Deployment

This guide will walk you through the application deployment process, covering system requirements, server deployment steps, and common considerations to ensure a quick and smooth deployment.

System Requirements

Before deploying the application, please ensure your system meets the following requirements:

Required Tools

  • Docker v20.10+: The system must have Docker version 20.10 or higher installed to ensure stable operation.
  • Docker Compose v2.0+: Docker Compose 2.0 or higher must be installed for proper containerized application operation.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux Systems:
    • CentOS
    • Debian
    • Ubuntu
  • macOS
  • Windows


On Windows systems, it is recommended to use Git Bash or Cmder to ensure commands execute smoothly.

Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: Dual-core processor or higher
  • RAM: Minimum 4GB recommended
  • Hard Drive: Sufficient storage space recommended to accommodate Docker images and container data

Server Deployment Steps

Follow these steps for project deployment, ensuring the system meets the aforementioned requirements.

Clone Project Code

Clone the project from GitHub or Gitee to your local machine or server:

  • GitHub:

    git clone -b pro --depth=1
  • Gitee:

    git clone -b pro --depth=1

Enter Project Directory

Switch to the project's root directory:

cd dootask

Install Project

Use the following command for one-click project installation and deployment:

./cmd install

Custom Port Installation

If you need to specify a custom port for the service, use the following command:

./cmd install --port 80

Important Notes

  • Network Connection: During installation, dependencies and images may need to be pulled. Please ensure your network connection is stable.
  • Docker and Docker Compose Installation: If installation fails, first verify that Docker and Docker Compose are properly installed and ensure sufficient system permissions.
  • Permission Issues: If permission-related problems occur, make sure you are using a user with administrative privileges.